City of Huntleigh
Huntleigh Construction

Erecting or Altering a Home or Structure in the City

No home or other structure may be erected or altered in the City of Huntleigh so as to encroach within 75 feet of the front lot line or within 50 feet of the back or side lot lines. Please see Ordinance 221 and The Municipal Code Chapter 405: Zoning Regulations; Chapter 410: Submission of Plats of Subdivisions; and Chapter 415: Flood Hazard Prevention. The Huntleigh Ordinances applicable to construction and Certificates of Occupancy may be found here. The individual subdivisions with the city may have additional requirements. Copies of the subdivisions’ indentures and regulations may be found here.

  1. Application for Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (our Building Permit)

Applications for Tentative Certificates of Occupancy

This is the city's building permit. The process to follow is:

  1. If applicable, subdivision trustees must approve the plans before they are submitted to the city. You may contact the trustees here.
  2. Submit a completed, executed original of the Application for Tentative Certificates of Occupancy, signed by the lot owner and contractor.
  3. Submit, with the application, six copies of complete "certified" plans and plats which reflect the distances to the front, side and back building lines from the proposed structure. Plats must include any applicable street easements. (Plats which reflect the 75 foot and 50 foot setbacks from all such borders and streets are the simplest way to achieve this.)
  4. Include a check payable to the City of Huntleigh in the amount of $500.
  5. The City participates in the National Flood Plain Insurance Program. You must submit with your application the appropriate flood insurance rate map with a designation of the property to be developed thereon so it may be determined whether or not the attached flood plain development permit application must be completed. If property is in the flood plain you must provide certification by a registered engineer, architect or land surveyor that the as-built lowest floor, including basement, of any new or substantially improved building is above the flood plain.

As soon as the requested materials are received, they are reviewed for compliance with the building lines. The city will return five approved copies of the plat with a Tentative Certificate and a Municipal Zoning Approval form for St. Louis County. Thereafter, you must notify the City Attorney as soon as the construction site has been staked out, before construction commences, for a visual inspection to ascertain compliance. This does not generally delay the beginning of construction. The City of Huntleigh has adopted St. Louis County's Building Codes and they do all other inspections.

Please be advised that Missouri law requires every person to call for the location of underground facilities before beginning any excavation activities.

Huntleigh requires all contractors to maintain clean streets; keep trash picked up; place dumpsters in proper locations; maintain reasonable hours of operation; prevent blockage of streets, driveways, and mailboxes; and perform proper maintenance on undeveloped lots to prevent the growth of excessive weeds.

Application for Final Certificate of Occupancy

  1. Submit the executed application along with the appropriate copies of St. Louis County's inspections.

If there are any other questions, or if we can be of any other service, please do not hesitate to contact us.